Hey Business Owner! Do You Outsource?
It’s no secret that I am a graphic designer and that clients hire me to create graphic design work for them. But right now I am not trying to convince you to hire me. Instead I am asking you to think about the flow on effect of outsourcing your work to another business. Say you hired a virtual assistant to send out your emails. You pay them some money for their time and they in turn now have some more income. Do they take it down to the local shops, pay their kids tuition fees or put it on their mortgage? Maybe they use it to hire a marketing professional to help them get new clients to earn more money? Then the marketer feels they need to rebrand and focus on a niche market, so they use the money they got from the VA towards hiring a graphic designer. The Business Circle Of Outsourcing Okay, so I’ve made that term up, but I feel it could be a real one. By outsourcing your job to another business owner whose talents are more suited to it than yours, you are supporting other business, like they did yours. Just think about what you have done with income from your business? How did you use it? Benefits Of Outsourcing Business Services I mostly work with small to medium sized business and being honest, I know that money can be pretty tight sometimes. In fact, it can often lead to owners thinking that they should do everything themselves to save money, with the old Kiwi saying “she’ll be right” featuring strongly in their thinking. But in reality, the time you spend working on something which is not your strong point or even doing something you have no idea about at all takes time away from your business. Yes, it is your time, but it is time you could have spent growing your business. It is time you could have spent seeking new clients. It is time you could have promoted your products. It is time you could have earnt more money than you would have paid to outsource the job in the first place. Time is the business owner’s most precious commodity and that is something that both I and other service providers can give you back. One of my clients, Danni Winmill from Winmill Creative, recently took the plunge and hired me. I asked her why she did and if you want to know what she said, head over and read her interview on The Impact Of Professional Graphic Design. And you know the drill…. If you want some graphic design help, just get in touch and we’ll get things started!
Hello! I recently decided to interview one of my lovely clients. I wanted to see how professional graphic design work has impacted her and her business. This is a great read! Grab a cuppa and biscuit and settle down to read Danni’s experience. This could be what you and your business needs to get an extra lift, taking your from ho-hum to amazing! What made you decide to get your logo designed by a professional graphic designer? It honestly had not been on my radar in the beginning. I put something together in Photoshop that I thought would do and forgot about it. I love to research things, for example the best ways I can improve my business on a budget since I’m still in the start-up phase. After a tonne of research I could see my whole web presence didn’t cut it. It didn’t look professional, it didn’t feel professional. I was overwhelmed with the best place to invest for the best results. Having my website professionally designed was out of the question. As I was looking for the best first step to take, I noticed Helen from One Bite posting examples of logos she had just wrapped-up designing. I loved the style and colours, they felt well-matched with my business. Her rates were amazing, definitely manageable for my little start up as the best first step into a more professional image. The final straw to making the decision was this post on Helens new blog written about logos (click here to read the blog). I was sold. A logo definitely seemed like the best place to start and the place from which all the rest of my branding would flow. How did you find the logo process? I contacted Helen and she sent through a questionnaire to fill. Some of the questions were a bit tricky as I hadn’t thought about some of them before. I got my research hat on and started checking through the list. It’s not as scary as it sounds. You know the saying “You only get out what you put it”? I live by that philosophy. So when I commissioned Helen for my logo, I made sure to give her the most useful info I could to help the design process flow smoothly. I was blown away by the variety of the first round of designs. Helen took my feedback and came back with designs that were so incredibly close. Just a few tweaks and I had my logo. The whole process was so quick, friendly and easy. It was exciting to see the logo come together; when I saw the finished product it felt amazing! I then realised just how much my old one did not do my business justice at all. I swapped it out across all online platforms and the desktop on my computer immediately and I felt so much better. How has having a professionally design logo & business card altered the way you advertise your business? I feel confident putting my business out there now that I have a professional logo.I still have a way to go before I’m totally happy with my online presence, but Rome wasn’t built in a day and it will happen. I’ll be asking for Helens help at each new stage of development of my brand and online presence. How has having a professional designer work for you impacted how you feel about the professionalism of your business? Massively! I feel far more professional and like I’m taken more seriously for it. If you’re serious about your business, a logo is definitely the best first step and money well spent. Has it also impacted any other area of your business? I get more work because I’m out there - looking professional! Here are Danni’s logos - before and after... Danni from Winmill Creative is the most talented product photographer I have seen... check out her own before and after pics. Before - taken by her client, after - taken by Danni. You can find Winmill Creative by clicking this link: www.winmillcreative.co.nz So, if you would like your logo, business image, media impact, overhauled or started off on a strong foundation the you’d better get in touch with me TODAY! [email protected]
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