So for this blog I decided to do something a little bit different than usual. I am not going to talk about graphic design, photography or even anything to do with business. At this time of the year when our thoughts and actions tend toward kind and thoughtful encouragements to our families and friends has led me to share something personal about myself and my family. Through this I hope to raise awareness in the hope that people will think before they speak and type, especially on social media, and be very careful about what can come across as hurtful comments. As we near the end of the year and Christmas time especially when we spend time with family, friends and loved ones. We think over the years and memories we all share, the good and the bad. I know this time of year is not happy for everyone so please hear my heart in this and please only comment positively if you feel you would like to comment at all. Our youngest child was born on Christmas Day, yes December 25th. Our family were absolutely delighted about this and have celebrated her birthday joyously! But I am sad to say but there are a lot of people who have some very negative things to say to my daughter and myself over the years. My First Two Children To give a little perspective she has an older brother and sister who both needed special care medical treatment after they were born. They both needed to be resuscitated for different reasons straight after being born and needed some ongoing monitoring. It took me a while to process all of that after their births and took longer to feel up to having another baby considering the possible risk to another baby. I suffered post natal depression but also had such a deep love and gratefulness for their survival and for them as precious gifts to our family. I managed to love and care for them very well with the love and input from my supportive husband and family. There is only 20 months between them so life was pretty busy. Restoration Around four years after the brith of our second child we decided we would be open to the possibility of having another child.... it wasn’t long before we found out we were pregnant and due in December. We were over the moon with the idea of having another blessing and me being in a much better state of mind to cope with everything having a baby would require. I kept relatively well during the pregnancy. As December started I wondered when my little bundle of joy would be born and it everything would be ok. Timing I was aware of the days in December being ticked off and the possibility of my new baby being born on Christmas Day. I knew that I didn’t want my baby to be born on Christmas Day but it was something I couldn’t control . It was Christmas Eve when I started to get some contractions... so many things were going through my mind. Will my baby be ok, a boy, or a girl? Would I cope with the pain? Would my baby be born on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?... So I laboured through the early evening until early morning. We had Life FM playing so I laboured to all the lovely Christmas Carols. At 1.30am my precious baby girl was born - and born healthy! My husband and I were over the moon! Subsequently I am sad to say that many people seem to have many comments to say about the date of my daughters birthday not only to me but also her. I have had people say to me “she is going to hate you for that” when I replied to their question of when she was born... “Oh no you poor thing”... “do you still give her a birthday party?” and so the list goes on. She is so so special and has such a heart of gold. The way she cares for others is amazing. You just have to read about her mission for the homeless to get the picture. She LOVES Christmas and getting gifts for others. Every year she has a party with all her friends! On Christmas Day / her birthday we all open Christmas presents and have loads of yummy food and come afternoon tea time… the second round of celebrations begin... more presents - more food and of course another birthday cake. She will be nine this year and despite what people have said to her, she LOVES her birthday. My Goal So my hope with this blog is to not only honour my beautiful girl, wonderful son, older daughter, my husband and family but to also raise awareness for others out there with birthdays on or near Christmas or any other special days. Please stop and think before you say anything to anyone about their birthday, even if you think it is a lighthearted or humorous comment. Pause and make sure that "if you can’t say anything positive that you don’t say anything at all”. In closing I would like to wish you and all your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season. In all things be kind!
26/11/2018 02:03:12 pm
I loved your blog so much Helen!! Nice getting know you on a more personal level and the underlying message in your blog is something we all need think about at times. Wishing you and your family a Happy Christmas & All The Very Best for 2019. Hugs Tracy xx
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